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MPU-6050 Module GY-521 Module with Soldering

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The MPU6050 stands out as a versatile sensor highly favored by the DIY community for its ease of use and seamless integration into projects. With its combination of high accuracy and low power consumption, this sensor finds applications across a wide spectrum, ranging from controlling quadcopters to constructing self-balancing robots. Moreover, its user-friendly design makes it even more appealing to hobbyists and enthusiasts. With pre-soldered pins, the MPU6050 is ready to be plugged in straight out of the box. This eliminates the need for soldering, making it convenient for those without the equipment, short on time, or simply not inclined towards soldering tasks. Additionally, it provides a safer option, especially for individuals who prefer to avoid the risks associated with handling soldering irons, particularly in the presence of children.


Chip MPU-6050

Operating Voltage(VDC) 3 to 5

Communication mode I2C

Chip built-in 16bit AD converter

Gyroscopes Range +/- 250 500 1000 2000 degree/sec

Acceleration Range +/- 2g, 4g, 8g, 16g

Sensitivity up to 131 LSBs/dps

Pin pitch 2.54 mm

PCB Size (mm) 20 × 16

Weight 4 gram

Package Includes:

1 X MPU-6050 Module GY-521 Module with Soldering

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